Removing The Negative From Your Life: Leaving My Uni Course& Negative Friendships

So far this year, it has been a major year of change and de-cluttering my life of things that no longer hold the capacity to make me happy anymore. From negative people to negative life experiences in my everyday life. After spending much of my time feeling let down and frustrated from many things in my life I immediately knew after coping with these feelings that really made me feel depressed I needed to make many life changes. I started with the little things such as cutting down and limiting the fast food I consumed as I’ve always had a low self-esteem about my weight and body image from being bullied in school because of this. often being told and reminded by my school peers within high school that really has stuck with me although being left high school 4 years ago. I’ve tried to stick by this rule but not put too much pressure upon myself for having the odd unhealthy takeaway but to limit my food intake each day. I tried the gym, for a while but are looking to start up again this summer when I have more spare time.

On a much bigger scale, I removed more negatives from my life that had begun to slowly eat away at me for a good few years was negative friendships. Although I wish these people all the best and try not to hold too much hostility to how they made me feel inside after hiding it away they no longer held a positive purpose towards my life. As I these people had either gotten in to negative crowds that I could feel myself slowly being pulled towards if I stayed within any longer it would turn negative and many other factors.

And another major change that has happened this week is dropping out of my current uni course. from September 2017 I studied Media and Communications at a local-ish uni. After never thinking that this was ever going to be a thing that would happen to me I was amazed and excited to start my new course. But also, being someone that hates change and really struggles to make friends easy this immediately posed a struggle for me. Trying to put this aside I started at my university where for the first few weeks I felt underwhelmed by the course content and the things that I was learning as they felt to me almost 'Basic' and were things that I already had learnt at college. This being so I tried to stick out my time at university but only feeling more and more depressed by my course and how little I was learning that I so hoped to learn. Not only was there this, my fellow peers on my course became less than welcoming as I embarked on my first practical module and had to face rude comments from people. Which left me feeling down alongside with the fact I had no one at uni to talk to being someone who struggles to make friends. 
These factors left me not wanting to attend and missing a lot of classes and lectures due to this taking an impact upon my emotions so after trying my best to attend, I decided enough was enough and I decided to transfer to a more practical degree at my college to study Media Production where the environment suited me a lot better than a university environment that made me feel anxious and alone. being someone that is never usually a quitter, this said a lot and of course posed a lot of stress and upset after making this decision but now I am glad for it as I feel myself slowly feeling a little bit more positive every day and cannot wait to start my brand-new degree at my college alongside with friends and my boyfriend...

Since all these changes, I seem to have a bit more of a positive outlook on life and are excited to see all the things that life is yet to throw at me. And from learning the hard way it is 100% true that you SHOULD defiantly remove anything that makes to feel negative or only hold the outlet for trouble and replace it with something that better suits and fits you!

Olivia x


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