Spring/Summer 2015

Spring/Summer 2015: What im looking forward to?

Taken at aberystwyth 2014 
Taken at aberystwyth 2014 

This particular time of year is my favorite time of year,i love it so much.everyone seems happier and theres more to do and discover on a nice sunny day.this year i have so much planned and hope this Spring/summer is one to remember.

  • something i do every year and is my favorite thing to do is family holidays to the seaside.so most of my weekends will be spent with family and friends which i LOVE so much.
  • as my birthday is in July meaning Im a Leo, i am fortunate to have a summer birthday which is good as birthday meals outside are my favorite thing to do on my birthday every year.
  • in the next couple of months i have a few music events to see my favorite bands/artists with my friends.
  • SLUSHIES and ice cream! (i mean who doesn't love them)

I would love to see what you are looking forward to,so leave me a comment below and share with your friends :)

Olivia x 


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