90s Baby

90s Baby

hello,so i thought since id seen similar Blog post lying around on the internet and youtube I thought that id do something I like to call the "90s kid" tag, since I was born in the 90s. so I thought id share some of my favorites from that era and tell you a bit about what I was loving as a kid and things from the 90s that I love now!

so this is me looking a bit unhappy haha

Favorite TV programmes -
  • Bob the bulider
  • Bear In the big Blue house
  • The Simpsons
  • Only fools and horses (obviously something i watch now rather than when I was little)

Favorite films -

  • Cinderella
  • Clueless

Favorite artist -

  • Definatly S club 7 and S club 7 juniors!
  • Steps

Favorite toys -

  • I cant roughly remember but I liked a lot of Barbie related things when I was younger

Favorite sweets (or candy) -
  • One of my fave things I used to love when I was a kid was liquorice laces
  • Another fave I loved was 'space ships'

Olivia x


i decided that to let you know when im posting a new post i would create an account to keep you informed on when i add something new and to show you what i get up to in my spare time..

So go follow @OliviaCBlogs on twitter for updates!


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