Starting university

Life update: Starting university

So about a week ago, I started my first week of university to study my BA media and comms degree.
In the time leading up to his moment I have been very nervous and anxious as to how university life would be and all of the little anxietys about "Am I going to fit in?" Had been playing in my mind and also "have I made the right decision to commute instead of staying in halls" as I commute to university every day.. I feel that as I live around 10/15 miles away that it kind of wasn't worth putting myself into debt. 

Although I do feel that my uni experience feels a little different to the expectations and pre conceptions I had about how it would be and how university would feel like one big party but to me it feels like one big party I haven't been invited to and that it's a little bit harder to make new friends as people seem to have already made friends with people through halls and that also the added pressure that I do sometimes find it hard to talk to new people ..

A apart of me kind of feels a little regretful that I didn't make the decision to stay in halls and have the "full" university experience but also half of me is happy I went with the desision to stay at home as I have learnt this year unfortunately live is too short and we should spend as much time as possible with the ones you love and I feel that for the first time in a while I am happy with my life, My job, Friends& Relationships and kind of didnt want to disturb that also..

This all aside, I attended my first day of university.. after the first few days I had been feeling glad I have decided to come to uni but also unsure as change is something that I take a while to adjust to and be able to get comfortable with. But, over the days I have somehow managed to settle in easier that I thought (yay me) more rather cope with the massive changes that are happening and not freak about it.

Olivia x


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